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La migliore location della Maremma – Toscana

Poggio alla Rocca


Soggiornando a Poggio alla Rocca (composto da soli 5 esclusivi appartamenti per una indimenticabile esperienza a contatto con la autentica vita locale toscana ) puoi dominare con lo sguardo un panorama mozzafiato, dalle colline senesi a Montalcino, dalla Val d’Orcia a Monte Amiata fino a scivolare nella bassa maremma.
Potrai godere di una natura incontaminata,di un cielo stracolmo di stelle e scoprire i benefici vantaggi delle acque termali a soli 5km (Terme di Petriolo) : vicino a noi (3 km) troverai n.2 botteghe alimentari , n.2 ristoranti e n.1 pizzeria.

I proprietari, Francesco e Susanna, vi aspettano qui, senza gli amici animali, per trasmettervi le meraviglie di questa parte di Toscana ancora autentica.

Poggio alla Rocca è stato premiato :
– da Maremmaguide come una delle migliori location della Maremma – Toscana
– da Astronomitaly come uno dei cieli più belli di Italia

E’ tra le 120 strutture in tutta italia che rispettano i criteri di qualità previsti per gli alberghi diffusi.

E’ tra le 14 strutture “Maremma Toscana Green”

I bambini del luogo – fin dai tempi lontani – sognavano la Rocca di Monte Acuto e guardavano affascinati quei ruderi di mistero dal momento che i nonni raccontavano loro che, lassù,sotto l’arco di una grande porta,accovacciata,si trovava una chioccia d’oro con i suoi pulcini d’oro…. Infatti la leggenda narra: “C’era un re potente che regnava nelle terre di Toscana e ordinò agli orafi che lavoravano a suo comando,per onorare la gloria del Re,di fare una chioccia d’oro con tanti pulcini d’oro,per dimostrare così che il Re era potente anche sul regno della natura. Riusci un’opera bellissima ma le orde dei barbari,che scesero dopo la morte del Re la rubarono e la nascosero sotto la Rocca di Monte Acuto!”

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  • 5-points
    We spent 3 days at Poggio Alla Rocca prior to traveling to San Galgano for our sons wedding. To say this was idyllic is a massive understatement. We were fortunate to have 15 in our group so we had exclusive use of the facilities something made more special by Susanna & Francesco the owners who became more like friends than proprietors. The area is simply stunning and an ideal start to anyone planning a weeding in Tuscany. We are already organising our next stay at this fantastic location.
    Pre-wedding stay Pre-wedding stay
    whogivsa 01/09/2018 UK
  • 5-points
    We spent 3 days at Poggio Alla Rocca prior to traveling to San Galgano for our sons wedding. To say this was idyllic is a massive understatement. We were fortunate to have 15 in our group so we had exclusive use of the facilities something made more special by Susanna & Francesco the owners who became more like friends than proprietors. The area is simply stunning and an ideal start to anyone planning a weeding in Tuscany. We are already organising our next stay at this fantastic location.
    Pre-wedding stay Pre-wedding stay
    whogivsa 01/09/2018 UK
  • 5-points
    We stayed for a week in June and really loved this place. On arrival the setting and view is just mind-blowing and with the warm Italian welcome from Francesca and Suzanna we knew we had chosen the right place for our stay in Tuscany. The property has been beautifully designed and the outdoor spaces are tastefully decorated with designer outdoor furniture which really made it feel like a small luxury hotel. We loved the infinity pool and the huge variety of outdoor spaces to hang out especially the roof terrace. We spent many evenings up there watching the sunset with a nice glass of wine looking over the valley beyond - pure bliss. Our apartment Sughera was very compact but nicely decorated, small basic kitchen (no oven) but it was close to the pool with a nice grassed outdoor area. We enjoyed a few day trips - Sienna (45 mins); Montalcino (45mins) and Montepulciano (1.5 hours) ... we loved these places and the scenery driving around was beautiful (take the back roads) but were delighted to get back to Poggio alla Rocca at the end of each day. We also had a few days of just chilling at the property and taking it slow which was really nice. Our kids (4 and 6) loved it there and did lots of swimming, hide and seek and walks picking wildflowers. The little village of Pari is very authentic, hardly a tourist in sight - we ate in the village restaurant a few times and the food was great typical Tuscan fare. There is also a very small shop in Pari but best to stock up on supplies before you arrive. All in all we absolutely loved our stay and would highly recommend this place.
    A beautiful property with amazing views and warm hosts A beautiful property with amazing views and warm hosts
    lizzieb6160 , Australia 14/08/2018
  • 5-points
    We stayed for a week in June and really loved this place. On arrival the setting and view is just mind-blowing and with the warm Italian welcome from Francesca and Suzanna we knew we had chosen the right place for our stay in Tuscany. The property has been beautifully designed and the outdoor spaces are tastefully decorated with designer outdoor furniture which really made it feel like a small luxury hotel. We loved the infinity pool and the huge variety of outdoor spaces to hang out especially the roof terrace. We spent many evenings up there watching the sunset with a nice glass of wine looking over the valley beyond - pure bliss. Our apartment Sughera was very compact but nicely decorated, small basic kitchen (no oven) but it was close to the pool with a nice grassed outdoor area. We enjoyed a few day trips - Sienna (45 mins); Montalcino (45mins) and Montepulciano (1.5 hours) ... we loved these places and the scenery driving around was beautiful (take the back roads) but were delighted to get back to Poggio alla Rocca at the end of each day. We also had a few days of just chilling at the property and taking it slow which was really nice. Our kids (4 and 6) loved it there and did lots of swimming, hide and seek and walks picking wildflowers. The little village of Pari is very authentic, hardly a tourist in sight - we ate in the village restaurant a few times and the food was great typical Tuscan fare. There is also a very small shop in Pari but best to stock up on supplies before you arrive. All in all we absolutely loved our stay and would highly recommend this place.
    A beautiful property with amazing views and warm hosts A beautiful property with amazing views and warm hosts
    lizzieb6160 Australia 14/08/2018
  • 5-points
    This was our third trip to Tuscany and we did a lot of research to find the perfect places for us. We love small accommodation with only a few others to share with. We always looked out to find places with a great view and a nice outdoor area. We searched in google, with tripadvisor, and google maps. I must have viewed thousands of pictures taken by owners but mostly by guests to get a real impression of the hotels. And we saved up a lot of money to spend on those trips. Unfortunately the beautiful spots are mostly expensive too. So we ended up paying up to 500,- per night in some of our accommodation. Poggio alla Rocca had the best value for money of the place we stayed and is one out of 3 favorites ! Google gives you a good impression how it looks like and it is just as beautiful. It feels remote but the high way is a short drive away and from there on you get quick to the north or south. If it wasn't for the owner, I wouldn't tell anybody of the spot we found. It's a little place of heaven and I hope it stays that way. Of course it was absolutely clean, the flowers and the garden are well maintained, there is air-condition, a full equipped kitchen, a pool and so on... but you all that information is on the internet as well. Last but not least: The owners are friendly and helpful people. It was our pleasure staying there and we will defiantly come back !
    Beautiful hide away Beautiful hide away
    Ronald P Germany 07/08/2018
  • 5-points
    Location da capogiro, proprietari cordialissimi disponibili e sempre a disposizione dell’ospite! Proposte di qualità colazione abbondante e varia, torneremo sicuro poiché ci si sente come a casa propria! GRAZIE SUSANNA E FRANCESCO! Luigi Elisa Daniele Cristina
    Luigi C Torino 08/07/2018
  • 5-points
    Siamo stati in questo fantastico posto insieme a parenti ed amici. Breve strada sterrata (tranquillamente percorribile con qualsiasi auto) per raggiungere il Borgo, che ripaga del silenzio e della natura che ti ritrovi intorno una volta giunti a destinazione. Lì ci hanno accolto i carinissimi padroni di casa. A prima vista abbiamo notato l'amore e la dedizione che hanno per questo posto fantastico! Abbiamo soggiornato nell'appartamento SOLE, una tipica casa toscana. Dentro abbiamo trovato ogni cosa. Addirttura tovaglia e canovaccio. Vista sul paese di Pari. Zanzariere alle finestre (apprezzatissime). Niente sembrava lasciato al caso. Abbiamo usufruito della splendida piscina con vista su un paesaggio mozzafiato. Giardino curato, bagno e doccia nella zona piscina, a disposizione di chi non aveva voglia di tornare agli appartamenti. La prima mattina abbiamo fatto colazione con degustazione dei prodotti locali. Buonissime le marmellate ed i dolci fatti in casa da Susanna ... Per chi ha bisogno di staccare fal caos della città e vuole rigenerare occhi e testa, è il posto ideale. A poci km dal paese di Pari (curato anche esso e il vero paese di una volta). Complimenti e grazie a Francesco e Susanna per la bellissima esperienza.
    Semplicemente a casa … Semplicemente a casa …
    Patrizia R Parma 24/06/2018
  • 5-points
    Poggio Alla Rocca è un posto difficilmente descrivibile per la bellezza dei paesaggi circostanti e la cura con la quale è stato realizzato. Si trova sul monte Acuto con un panorama mozzafiato e una piscina che domina l'intera vallata sottostante. È composto da cinque appartamenti tutti completamente attrezzati di biancheria e stoviglie e dislocati in posizioni diverse all'interno del borgo. Gli appartamenti sono tutti costruiti con pietre a vista e arredati con il tipico stile toscano. Ogni angolo della struttura è curato nei minimi particolari. Noi avevamo prenotato l'appartamento Alba e Corbezzolo, il primo situato a nordovest, il secondo con l'affaccio e la veranda sulla piscina. La pace e la tranquillità, uniti alla bellezza e alla comodità della struttura e al relax godibile in piscina ne fanno senza dubbio un posto dove rigenerare il corpo e lo spirito. Qui sembra che il tempo si sia fermato. Menzione speciale va fatta ai proprietari Francesco e Susanna, splendidi e gentili padroni di casa sempre presenti e attenti alle esigenze di tutti gli ospiti. Con piacere più di una volta ci siamo fermati a chiacchierare con loro ed una sera Francesco ci ha offerto anche dei liquori tra cui l'ottima sambuca al centerbe. Se potete in queste occasioni fatevi raccontare l'affascinante storia di come nasce Poggio alla Rocca. Noi abbiamo anche avuto la fortuna di assaggiare a colazione un'eccezionale dolce fatto da Susanna che ringraziamo anche per l'ottimo cappuccino offerto. Presenti diverse postazioni barbecue e un tavolo vicino all'appartamento Alba dove poter mangiare all'aperto. Per gruppi più numerosi c'è anche la possibilità di utilizzare una ex stalla ora ristrutturata come sala in cui mangiare. Per concludere consiglio assolutamente un soggiorno a Poggio alla Rocca che a mio avviso va considerato come un posto meraviglioso da vedere almeno una volta nella vita.
    Posto meraviglioso da vedere almeno una volta nella vita Posto meraviglioso da vedere almeno una volta nella vita
    LUCA P Roma 22/06/2018
  • 5-points
    Angolo di paradiso locato su una collina. Ottimo per chi cerca tranquillità e relax insieme al proprio partner. Proprietari gentili, disponibili, super ospitali e simpaticissimi e sempre pieni di consigli su cosa fare e su dove mangiare, in quali posti andare e quali ristoranti provare. Poggio alla Rocca si divide in vari appartamenti disposti su questa collina. Noi eravamo nell'appartamento "Alba". Molto curato, bello e ben attrezzato e comunque, per ogni evenienza, Francesco e Susanna (i proprietari) sono a disposizione per qualsiasi cosa. Io e il mio ragazzo abbiamo trascorso 2 giorni e mezzo meravigliosi nel completo relax e soprattutto immersi nel verde..svegliarsi alla mattina e aprire la porta con il vialetto che dava su un giardino ben curato e ben particolarità di questo posto come ci spiegava Susanna è che il nostro appartamento si trovava a Nord e quindi c'era più vento rispetto alla zona della piscina che si trova a sud della collina...quindi si aveva sia caldo ma anche un bel venticello fresco a pochi passi... mancavano solo gli uccellini che cantavano e mi sarei sentita come Biancaneve . Abbiamo già deciso che torneremo il prossimo anno e se possibile faremo più giorni per provare la degustazione di vini consigliata da Francesco e altri posti e locali che in questi giorni non siamo riusciti a fare.
    Biancaneve a Pari Biancaneve a Pari
    Jasmine Z Bologna 16/06/2018
  • 5-points
    Cari amici, che dire di questo posto se non SUPER in ogni suo aspetto. Struttura completamente ristrutturata 3 anni fa, dotata di ogni comfort e completata dalla simpatia e accoglienza dei due proprietari, Susanna e Francesco. Si tratta di un posto magico, dove pensieri, stress ed ansia hanno il divieto d’accesso perché non andrebbero d’accordo con la quiete, il relax e la pace che regnano sovrani all’interno dominando le colline maremmane dal bordo piscina con vista a strapiombo veramente da “ bomber “. Se volete staccare dalla routine, questo posto fa per Voi. Inoltre voglio menzionare un mio grande amico conosciuto durante il soggiorno e con cui ho dormito assieme, il divanetto “pisolo” situato in uno dei due gazebo
    Semplicemente ? Semplicemente ?
    Paolo R Milano 27/05/2018
  • 5-points
    Piccolo scrigno composto da soli 5 appartamenti sapientemente dislocati tra un tipico Borgo toscano e una struttura a terrazze (tipo costiera analfitana) con vista infinita a 360 gradi: Argentario e il vulcano Monte amiata da una parte e Montalcino e la val d'orcia dall' altra.Da qui abbiamo ammirato un cielo stellato commovente, premiato tra i più belli d'Italia, con costellazioni visibili ad occhio nudo. Il proprietario vive dentro la struttura e questo e' un valore aggiunto difficile da trovare altrove : informazioni, suggerimenti su visite alle cantine di brunello,ristoranti selezionati, vino ed olio di loro produzione, caffè e cappuccino senza supplemento. Veramente un soggiorno indimenticabile:consigliato assolutamente! Torneremo per godere anche della piscina e della jacuzzi per nuotare sospesi sulle colline toscane
    Vista come da un aereo Vista come da un aereo
    _matilde_piredda Arezzo 28/11/2017
  • 5-points
    Poggio alla Rocca, è un posto fuori dal comune...dove potete rilassarvi in un ambiente curato in ogni minimo dettaglio... La location è meravigliosa, i mini appartamenti sono arredati con gran gusto e non manca assolutamente nulla... Francesco e Susanna sono persone magnifiche, ospitali e molto sensibili alle esigenze di tutti. Il panorama è mozzafiato la tranquillità e i suoni l'aria e i colori della natura che la circondano non hanno prezzo. Consiglio a tutti dal single alla famiglia numerosa come la mia... Grazie
    MAX-XXX77 Rimini, 31/10/2017
  • 5-points
    Francesco e Susanna vincono su tutta la linea. Poggio alla Rocca è una struttura incantevole, costruita con amore e rispetto per il territorio e immersa in una natura incontaminata di rara bellezza. Se la vista sula vallata vi mozzerà il fiato, ancor più sorprendente sarà l'accoglienza dei padroni di casa, ospiti eccezionali il cui calore e la cui disponibilità vanno ben oltre ogni aspettativa, rendendo il soggiorno un'esperienza fantastica. Una precisazione: Poggio alla Rocca non è un albergo. Le camere sono piccoli appartamenti autonomi con cucina, tutti arredati con cura e gusto ma senza voler strafare, cosa assolutamente apprezzabile in un panorama in cui tutti si improvvisano albergatori di lusso (con risultati spesso discutibili). Sarete quindi indipendenti (anche se ottimi caffè e cappuccini sono sempre a disposizione senza alcun costo aggiuntivo), quindi non aspettatevi colazioni con buffet straripanti o servizio in camera (se non su richiesta). Al contrario troverete dei padroni di casa disponibili, gentilissimi e sempre attenti alle vostre esigenze. Il tutto in un posto incredibile, a costi assolutamente competitivi. Per me è questo il vero lusso.
    Davvero Incredibile Davvero Incredibile
    Fede L Milano, 02/10/2017
  • 5-points
    Das Poggio alla Rocca liegt auf einem Hügel inmitten unberührter Natur. Das letzte Stück bevor man die Anlage erreicht, geht über einen typisch toskanischen Schotterweg 🙂 Susanna und Francesco kommen einem mit einer Gastfreundschaft und Herzlichkeit entgegen, die ich sonst nur von asiatischen Ländern kenne. Die Apartments verfügen über eine voll ausgestattete Küche und sind im authentischen italienischen Landhausstil eingerichtet. Von der Terrasse hat man einen einzigartigen Ausblick. Wir haben uns während unserem 3-tägigen Aufenthalt selbst versorgt oder haben Restaurants besucht, welche die Gastgeber uns empfohlen haben. Wasser, Kaffee/Cappuccino etc. gibt es jederzeit kostenlos. Es ist gut zu wissen, dass der nächste größere Supermarkt etwa 30min. entfernt liegt. Nur wenige Autominuten entfernt sind die heißen Quellen "Terme di Petriolo", die man in jedem Fall während des Aufenthalts besuchen sollte. Am besten früh morgens unter der Woche. Der Zutritt zu den Quellen ist kostenlos, nur das anliegende Spa kostet Eintritt. Wir können diese Unterkunft nur jedem weiterempfehlen insbesondere für kinderlose Paare, Naturliebhaber und Reisende, die einfach entspannen/abschalten möchten. Auch wir kommen sehr gerne wieder 🙂
    Toller Ort zum Entspannen und Wohlfühlen Toller Ort zum Entspannen und Wohlfühlen
    Sina M , Germany 07/07/2018
  • 5-points
    Wow - this place is really special. Like previous reviewers I was in two minds about writing a review as it's so lovely and beautiful - you want to keep it a secret. However the hosts asked if we would write a review - so here it is. We had one of our bests holidays ever. It's so peaceful and beautiful here and the views are beyond spectacular. I loved going for a morning swim then watching the glorious vista from the infinity pool - heaven. Our villa for a family of four was modern and suited our needs. The hosts are amazkng - so kind, attentive and hospitable. Free caapuccinos, free water daily and even a free pizza and wine party so you can mingle with other guests. I loved this place - it is truly unique and a great base to explore Tuscany. Be prepared that it is slightly out of the way but the bumpy ride in the later part of the journey is worth it when you see the stunning view. Tuscany is truly special but this place made it even more special. We miss it already and I look forward to returning one day soon!!
    Fantastic retreat Fantastic retreat
    JYD2013 UK 09/08/2018
  • 5-points
    We found it by browsing B&B/Agriturismi in the Siena area. The owners are perfect and very nice hosts, the rooms/apartments of various sizes are great and the views spectacular. The rooms are tasteful and in great shape, they invested in everything you can think of. Our son loved the big infinity pool (us too). Mondays they make (free) Pizzas for everyone in the outdoor Pizza oven. Plus they make their own red wine and olive oil (5 Euro per bottle each). The place is a bit hard to find (dirt roads up the hill), so be prepared that your GPS won't find the address. We used Google Maps in offline mode a lot around there to find this, various restaurants etc. Talking about restaurants they provide a good guide in the rooms and every recommendation was great. The owners are happy to advise and make reservations. We like the nice Tuscan countryside and the picturesque towns of Pari and others nearby, but be prepared to drive everywhere for shopping, dinners etc. This is a quiet place to relax and use as a base to explore the surrounding area (Siena, Montalcino, Montepulciano all within driving distance), but no comparison to staying at those busy tourist places. Summary: highly recommended quiet and upscale place, not on the cheap side, but you certainly get what you pay for. We had an awesome vacation, off to Rome next (about a 3 hour drive away)
    This place is amazing! This place is amazing!
    Robert T USA 08/08/2018
  • 5-points
    This was our third trip to Tuscany and we did a lot of research to find the perfect places for us. We love small accommodation with only a few others to share with. We always looked out to find places with a great view and a nice outdoor area. We searched in google, with tripadvisor, and google maps. I must have viewed thousands of pictures taken by owners but mostly by guests to get a real impression of the hotels. And we saved up a lot of money to spend on those trips. Unfortunately the beautiful spots are mostly expensive too. So we ended up paying up to 500,- per night in some of our accommodation. Poggio alla Rocca had the best value for money of the place we stayed and is one out of 3 favorites ! Google gives you a good impression how it looks like and it is just as beautiful. It feels remote but the high way is a short drive away and from there on you get quick to the north or south. If it wasn't for the owner, I wouldn't tell anybody of the spot we found. It's a little place of heaven and I hope it stays that way. Of course it was absolutely clean, the flowers and the garden are well maintained, there is air-condition, a full equipped kitchen, a pool and so on... but you all that information is on the internet as well. Last but not least: The owners are friendly and helpful people. It was our pleasure staying there and we will defiantly come back !
    Beautiful hide away Beautiful hide away
    Ronald P Germany 08/08/2018
  • 5-points
    Exceeded my hopes and expectations. I read some great reviews and decided to visit. Minimum stay was two nights, but decided to try it. Glad I did as the hosts, suzzana and Francesco were helpful and kind, sent me to amazing restaurants. Gave me some homemade wine and made me feel at home. Cannot say enough about their retreat.
    Fantastic place and hosts Fantastic place and hosts
    jmkchina shanghai 07/08/2018
  • 5-points
    We stayed here for 5 nights as a part of our tour of Tuscany. It was the most relaxing, beautiful spot we could have imagined. The vista really is as good as the pictures show! The rooms are bigger than expected and have a real authentic Italian feel to them. The cottages have everything you could need and the owners really make you feel at home, bringing fresh coffee, homemade cake and a complementary bottle of their local family wine on arrival. The breakfast is a must; homecooked by Susanna as you sit in the old converted barn enjoying a selection of local breakfast supplies. No question or assistance is too big or small and they can give you lots of tips for trips, restaurants and places to see. Our favourite thing was to buy local meats and cheeses during our day of exploring the local towns and at the end of the day sitting out on the patio watching the sunset over the Tuscan hills whilst drinking a bottle of wine. The pool is a beautiful spot for a day of relaxing and reconnecting with nature. I would highly recommend this place if you are looking for a few days of relaxation or as a part of a road tour of Tuscany, as most popular towns are relatively easy to get to. I would recommend you have hire car when staying here. It is a little off the beaten track (sat nav wont find it but you can pick it up on googlemaps once you get to Pari), but the rocky drive to the top of the mountain is worth it for the spectacular views you will have. Poggio alla Rocca will always have a special place in my heart as my boyfriend proposed to me here whist the sun was setting one evening. It is an incredibly beautiful spot and shouldn't be missed.
    So breathtaking my boyfriend proposed! So breathtaking my boyfriend proposed!
    Leavetts UK 24/06/2018
  • 5-points
    The best place we’ve been to, in all categories. Most amazons views, peace for the soul. Cappuccino every morning from the best hosts. We Will definetly come back, hopefully planning not to miss the pizza-monday! Thanks for having us, // 3 sisters from Sweden!
    Fantastic place, view and hospitality Fantastic place, view and hospitality
    josefinepaterson Sweden 05/06/2018
  • 5-points
    We stayed only two nights..not enough. Its a very special place with unreal views over the rolling landscape. Very well equipped apartments. New and clean. We bought some of their olive oil. They gave us a bottle of their wine which wad an additional treat. The owners are wonderful, very hospitable. Highly recommend this place.
    Fantastic stay in beautiful area Fantastic stay in beautiful area
    stephaniej107 Sweden 17/05/2018
  • 5-points
    My boyfriend and I stayed here for two nights last week and we totally loved it! We stayed in an apartment by the pool, which overlooks a perfect view of the Tuscan hills. The apartment is more spacious than we expected and had everything we needed. It was clean, cosy and had great facilities. Of course the location is the star attraction, with perfect views even in the rain (which it did a lot whilst we were there unfortunately), but given the beauty of your surroundings, not even rain can get you down. The hotel owners are such wonderful people who truly went above and beyond at every point. They were so friendly and helpful, from offering us a bottle of their own wine (made on location!) to driving and collecting us to and from Pari (the closest village with a fab restaurant serving delicious food). They even let us stay beyond check out time to enjoy the sun that had finally come out for us on the last day! We were sad we hadn’t spent longer here, particularly as it is a great base for exploring vineyards and medieval towns.
    Beautiful, unique getaway Beautiful, unique getaway
    JTG345 UK 11/05/2018
  • 5-points
    I come from Germany and love Italy, Italian flair, italian cars and italian life and now comes the love to tuscany. And to this dreamlike, quiet and secret place, a house integrated into the nature and excellent and Romanesque with lovingly designed rooms, a great open-air bath with a nice view over all italy and very nice hosts. My, our new paradise to relax, dream, be creative. Congratulations to this beautifully designed location and thank you to the hosts
    Paradise on earth – Feeling view all over italy Paradise on earth – Feeling view all over italy
    Jens S Bavaria 13/07/17 Germany
  • 5-points
    Abbiamo soggiornato 2 notti per il weekend del 1 maggio, prenotando direttamente tramite il sito della struttura. I proprietari, Francesco e Susanna, hanno sognato, ideato e realizzato questo paradiso! La struttura è meravigliosa, arroccata sul pendio del Montacuto, con un'architettura bellissima, realizzata con materiali strepitosi, ed una piscina meravigliosa. Gli appartamenti sono molto carini e puliti, dotati di ogni comfort, con cucina attrezzata. La vista è impagabile sulle colline fra Grosseto e Siena, fino al monte Amiata e si gode il sole fino al tramonto fra i cipressi. Di notte il cielo è incredibile, tanto che ieri erano presenti i ragazzi di per la certificazione per "i cieli più belli d'italia". Il giorno della partenza siamo andati leggermente oltre l'orario del check-in perché eravamo completamente persi nel sonno, nel silenzio totale di questo luogo. Francesco e Susanna sono veramente delle persone carine e disponibili per ogni esigenza. Torneremo sicuramente nei mesi caldi, per goderci il totale relax anche nella meravigliosa piscina. Ottimo punto di appoggio per visitare le meraviglie vicine: noi abbiamo visitato San Galgano, Monteriggioni e Siena. Una nota crediamo utile: l'ultimo tratto di strada per accedere non è asfaltata, sconsigliato per le moto. Sarebbe ideale portare tutto il necessario per preparare pranzo e cena in appartamento, in modo da godere la struttura, la vista ed il silenzio tutto il giorno.
    Paradiso fra le colline toscane Paradiso fra le colline toscane
    DanielsanM73 01/05/17
  • 5-points
    Siamo un gruppo di 5 ragazzi ed abbiamo soggiornato in questo meraviglioso posto per le vacanze di Pasqua. Atmosfera familiare, panorama mozzafiato e tanto tanto relax nelle sue più svariate sfaccettature. Dalla tranquillità del calore di un camino acceso, al più godereccio aperitivo con musica in piscina. Qui ogni desiderio diventa realtà grazie alla location e alla mai paga cortesia dei suoi proprietari. Il tutto incorniciato dall'incontaminata maremma toscana che abbaglia con le sue diverse tonalità di verde che contrastano con il blu del cielo. Davvero un posto da non perdere sia per una fuga romantica, che per qualche giornata in compagnia. La convivialitá qui é di casa. Da segnalare ottimo vino e olio prodotto dai proprietari. Insomma... what else?
    What else? What else?
    Elena G 17/04/17
  • 5-points
    Perfect!!! ..and more! I do usually write comments unless it is bad but now I feel I need to emphasize how much we enjoyed our time in Poggio alla Rocca. We stayed in both Ginestra (2 days) and Corbezollo(another 2 days) apartments and both were exceptional. The Apartments are very spacious, fully equipped, the view is extraordinary, the pool is crystal clear. I have traveled in many 4 or 5 starts hotels and apartments over the years in vacation and with work and I never felt as good as we did in Poggio Alla Rocca. I want to leave the best things for last and these are Susanna and Francesco, the owners. They are extraordinary people, they made everything for us to have a wonderful stay. Each morning they had prepared caffe for my girlfriend and tea for me with biscuits, no charge. They offered we didn't have to ask. They offered wine also. Everything we ask from them was met with "No problem". We have fallen in love with them and Poggio Alla Rocca and we will definitely come back again.
    Perfect!!!.. and more!! Perfect!!!.. and more!!
    Remus G 24/09/17 Belgium
  • 5-points
    We booked this wonderful place for our honeymoon and it was better than we could ever have imagined. Francesco and Suzanna are the perfect hosts and can't do enough to make sure you have everything you need! The views are unbelievable and totally unspoilt, the location is tranquil and still close enough to access attractions such as Siena and local small towns for an afternoon exploring. Francesco really knows his stuff and will recommend some of the best restaurants we have ever eaten in. We couldn't have asked for more and will come back as soon as we can! Thank you Poggio Alla Rocca!
    Perfect in every way! Perfect in every way!
    Bradley W 04/08/17 Ireland
  • 5-points
    I come from Germany and love Italy, Italian flair, italian cars and italian life and now comes the love to tuscany. And to this dreamlike, quiet and secret place, a house integrated into the nature and excellent and Romanesque with lovingly designed rooms, a great open-air bath with a nice view over all italy and very nice hosts. My, our new paradise to relax, dream, be creative. Congratulations to this beautifully designed location and thank you to the hosts
    Paradise on earth – Feeling view all over italy Paradise on earth – Feeling view all over italy
    Jens S Bavaria 13/07/17 Germany
  • 5-points
    I was in Italy for a friends wedding and stayed at Poggio alla Rocca. From the moment I arrived Susanna and Francesco were so helpful and welcoming to this beautiful haven. They were both always there to answer questions and give suggestions. ALWAYS offering a lovely latte. They could not have been more gracious. The grounds are beautiful and the pool was amazing. The views incredible. This was not my first time in Italy but I have to say this was the best place I've ever stayed in. 5 stars for Poggio alla Rocca!!!! I can't wait to go back. I've already told many friends about this place and they're looking forward to booking in the future.
    Fantastic Fantastic
    kbenk2u Santa Monica 13/06/17 USA
  • 5-points
    Undoubtedly the best vacation we've ever had. The place is extremely beautiful with breathtaking view, amazing pool, wonderful clean rooms and facilities. And most importantly the best hosts! Susana and Francesco did everything so that we will have the perfect vacation - and it was!
    The best vacation we have ever had! The best vacation we have ever had!
  • 5-points
    I can not say enough wonderful things about Poggio alla Rocca. The photographs online (while incredible) do not do it justice. Every place you look is incredibly beautiful. Our hosts are so kind and attentive. They even made us dinner reservations at a nearby restaurant that what was the most amazing meal of my life. We have spent the past several days exploring the area and spending time by the pool. The pool area is the most relaxing place you can be. Poggio alla Rocca produces really delicious red and white wine that is made available to you at all times throughout your stay. I really can not say enough great things about this wonderful place. We look forward to returning with more family and friends. It's incredible. Note: if you drive in, follow your google maps and trust what the google lady tells you. When you are told to travel down a gravel path...stay the course. You will eventually find your home away from home!! It's an amazing place to call home for a few days and I'll be incredibly sad to leave on Thursday! cheers, ali
    Better than the pictures!! Better than the pictures!!
    ali p 16/05/2017 USA
  • 5-points
    Our stay here was amazing. Exceeded all of our expectations. The view is stunning, spanning the Tuscan countryside. Our hosts were excellent: kind, welcoming, and helpful. They went above and beyond their duties of our hosts, but not in a burdening way. Why we would recommend: views, hospitality, room were neat, showers are nice, nice central location to many nice scenic Tuscan drives and Siena, TVs have satellite and many movies in different languages, washer/dryer convenient, they grow their own spices that you can pick to add to a meal if you cook on the location. GPS is a little hard for this spot, HOWEVER, google maps finds it perfectly so isn't an issue. I would recommend this place to family and friends. Such a special spot.
    Fantastic Choice of Accommodation in Tuscany Fantastic Choice of Accommodation in Tuscany
    redsox8647 Boston, 07/05/2017 USA
  • 5-points
    For those with own transport looking to escape to the Italian countryside, this is a great choice. Note that via car, after taking the tight turn off the main road turn left at the gravel crossroads and continue past the first signed accommodation. You're rewarded with a super welcome, serving up home grown wine and a wonderful pool with the most extraordinary views. Come with supplies or venture to nearby Pari or the pizzeria (very good) you go past on the way to poggio. A lovely retreat and a great place to unwind with a book, or simply taking in the views with a cappuccino.
    Beautiful choice in the countryside Beautiful choice in the countryside
    Stevieshoes London,20/04/2017 UK
  • 5-points
    Thank you so much to Susanna and Francesco for making our first holiday abroad with our two year old such a good one, particularly after the airport lost our suitcase, which we were without for the whole week. From homemade soup, capuccinos and red wine, to advice on where to buy things, and where to visit, they couldn't have been more helpful. The views from Poggio alla Rocca are beyond stunning, it took your breath away every morning to look out on. Look forward to visiting again with a full set of luggage. Tuscany is beautiful - you may need a car to get to everywhere you'd like to, but the scenery along the way is worth it.
    Absolutely stunning Absolutely stunning
    paulandamyhunter Kettering 13/11/16 UK
  • 5-points
    Solo due giorni in questa meravigliosa struttura contruita fronte un panorama mozzafiato. Ma oltre alla natura e al panorama che la fann da padroni, siamo stati coccolati dalle attenzioni di Susanna: ciambellone, cappuccino e chiacchere che scaldono il cuore 🙂 da tornarci nella stagione estiva per fare un tuffo nella piscina sospesa nel vuoto...questo è uno di quei posti che meritano di essre ricordati e pubblicizzati...grazie per l'accoglienza 🙂
    Ci ritorno :) Ci ritorno 🙂
    Valentina 04/11/2016
  • 5-points
    Una location in cui lascarci il cuore! siamo stati due giorni in questo fantastico posto immerso nella quiete e nella pace della maremma toscana e ci siamo lasciati coccolare dalla passione e dalla simpatia di Susanna e Francesco. Che dire di più.. non vediamo l'ora di tornarci. Grazie per averci aperto le porte della vostra dimora.
    Wonderful!! Meraviglioso Wonderful!! Meraviglioso
    ALEB160 02/11/2016
  • 5-points
    Ho soggiornato con altre 3 coppie in questo appartamento con travi a vista e panorama su 3 lati su Pari,Montalcino e val d' orcia : lo consiglio sia perché toscano in tutto sia per la struttura suggestiva ed unica come posizione!Oltre a stare una favola qui si raggiungono tutte le città toscane ed umbre nel raggio di 100km e poi pure a piscina chiusa ci sono vicine le terme di petriolo con acqua termale a 42 gradi
    Appartamento di charme sulla roccia (appartamento Sole) Appartamento di charme sulla roccia (appartamento Sole)
    missmuss17 31/10/2016
  • 5-points
    Tre giorni a maggio, colori vivi, verdi squillanti e profumi ovunque, la primavera si sveglia. Una settimana in ottobre, la nebbia al mattino che si alza lenta nelle valli sottostanti e lascia il posto alla dolcezza dei boschi d'autunno. Le nostre permanenze a Poggio alla Rocca stanno lentamente progredendo, non escludiamo che nei prossimi tempi possano diventare di due settimane. Ti senti a casa.....l'appartamento che abbiamo abitato questa volta è il corbezzolo, dotato di tutti i confort compreso un meraviglioso fornello a induzione che ci faceva venir voglia di cucinare anche in vacanza. Comunque su tutto vince ancora la tranquillità dei luoghi, il silenzio e i panorami mozzafiato. Noi abbiamo trovato in Poggio alla Rocca il posto dove ricaricare le energie, il luogo d'elezione dove ritornare alla vita dopo le fatiche del lavoro e la monotonia della vita di tutti i giorni. Ringraziamo di cuore Francesco e Susanna per la loro disponibilità, gentilezza e cortesia, per averci dato la possibilità di conoscere e apprezzare questo loro posto....e grazie di nuovo per aver avuto il coraggio di costruire quest'oasi di pace e serenità nel cuore della nostra bella Toscana. A presto. Salvatore e Nicoletta ,
    il paradiso esiste……… il paradiso esiste………
    Salvatore 31/10/2016
  • 5-points
    We had a great few days in Poggio alla Rocca. Upon arrival the first thing that strikes you is the incredible panorama of the rolling Tuscan hills and distant mountains. The whole property is designed perfectly to make the most of this view with a spotless Terrace and Infinity Pool. There is plenty of space even when all the apartments are full, with plenty of comfortable chairs, loungers etc. The hosts were very approachable and helpful and provided a very attentive service including serving coffee by the pool and providing bottles of home-produced wine. The apartment was comfortable and well furnished, but this almost seems secondary because you will want to spend all your time outdoors! Would love to come back, for longer next time.
    The best swimming pool view in Tuscany The best swimming pool view in Tuscany
    roebuck01 01/11/2016 UK
  • 5-points
    We had a great few days in Poggio alla Rocca. Upon arrival the first thing that strikes you is the incredible panorama of the rolling Tuscan hills and distant mountains. The whole property is designed perfectly to make the most of this view with a spotless Terrace and Infinity Pool. There is plenty of space even when all the apartments are full, with plenty of comfortable chairs, loungers etc. The hosts were very approachable and helpful and provided a very attentive service including serving coffee by the pool and providing bottles of home-produced wine. The apartment was comfortable and well furnished, but this almost seems secondary because you will want to spend all your time outdoors! Would love to come back, for longer next time.
    The best swimming pool view in Tuscany The best swimming pool view in Tuscany
    roebuck01 01/11/2016 UK
  • 5-points
    We stayed at the apartment (Sughera) in early may. When you arrive you are amazed by the view and are still amazed up until the point that you leave. The apartment had a lovely rustic feel, but had modern fitting, furniture etc. also had everything you need for cooking. The pool and common areas very spotless and with so many places within the beautiful gardens, you would never really notice the other guests if all were full. The hosts were very welcoming and a pleasure to chat too. The local town Pari is very picturesque, and only 30 minutes walk or 5 minutes drive. The best views in Tuscany and should be on your list.
    Amazing view and apartment Amazing view and apartment
    Hannes 03/07/2016 Denmark
  • 5-points
    We stayed at the apartment (Sughera) in early may. When you arrive you are amazed by the view and are still amazed up until the point that you leave. The apartment had a lovely rustic feel, but had modern fitting, furniture etc. also had everything you need for cooking. The pool and common areas very spotless and with so many places within the beautiful gardens, you would never really notice the other guests if all were full. The hosts were very welcoming and a pleasure to chat too. The local town Pari is very picturesque, and only 30 minutes walk or 5 minutes drive. The best views in Tuscany and should be on your list.
    Amazing view and apartment Amazing view and apartment
    Hannes 03/07/2016 Denmark
  • 5-points
    We stayed at Poggio alla Rocca for few days this summer. The place is simply beautiful and relaxing, few kilometres away from the charming town of Pari. The owners are very helpful and and do everything they can to make you feel at home. Wonderful holiday in Tuscany
    I will definitely go back I will definitely go back
    Alekmil 08/08/2016 UK
  • 5-points
    We stayed at Poggio alla Rocca for few days this summer. The place is simply beautiful and relaxing, few kilometres away from the charming town of Pari. The owners are very helpful and and do everything they can to make you feel at home. Wonderful holiday in Tuscany
    I will definitely go back I will definitely go back
    Alekmil 08/08/2016 UK
  • 5-points
    We had a very nice time with our 3 kids at Poggio alla Rocca. The view is outstanding, the pool great and the village of Pari has a delicious small restaurant at the first floor. Our hosts were very friendly and accommodating. I can especially recommend the apartments Ginestra and Corbezollo.
    Great view, relaxing peace, delicious food in Pari Great view, relaxing peace, delicious food in Pari
    Nathalie 08/08/2016 Germany
  • 5-points
    We had a very nice time with our 3 kids at Poggio alla Rocca. The view is outstanding, the pool great and the village of Pari has a delicious small restaurant at the first floor. Our hosts were very friendly and accommodating. I can especially recommend the apartments Ginestra and Corbezollo.
    Great view, relaxing peace, delicious food in Pari Great view, relaxing peace, delicious food in Pari
    Nathalie 08/08/2016 Germany
  • 5-points
    great view from our veranda and from the swimming pool - modern bathroom - very sympathetic and attentive hosts - just a few apartments so the atmosphere is very familiar
    Very nice apartment in the tuscan countryside Very nice apartment in the tuscan countryside
    Boris 23/09/2016 USA
  • 5-points
    great view from our veranda and from the swimming pool - modern bathroom - very sympathetic and attentive hosts - just a few apartments so the atmosphere is very familiar
    Very nice apartment in the tuscan countryside Very nice apartment in the tuscan countryside
    Boris 23/09/2016 USA
  • 5-points
    This is a stunning place to stay, relax and enjoy Tuscany. The hosts are a lovely, friendly couple always on hand to offer coffee, ice cream or offer advice. The views are incredible. The rooms authentic and cosy. Would absolutely recommend.
    Wonderful property. Lovely hosts. Incredible holiday. Wonderful property. Lovely hosts. Incredible holiday.
    Wayne 25/10/2016 UK
  • 5-points
    This is a stunning place to stay, relax and enjoy Tuscany. The hosts are a lovely, friendly couple always on hand to offer coffee, ice cream or offer advice. The views are incredible. The rooms authentic and cosy. Would absolutely recommend.
    Wonderful property. Lovely hosts. Incredible holiday. Wonderful property. Lovely hosts. Incredible holiday.
    Wayne 25/10/2016 UK
  • 5-points
    It's hard to describe Poggio alla Rocca with the usually used adjectives for a hotel because you don't feel like being in a hotel, you feel like you stay with friends. The hosts don't consider themselves as hoteliers, they just want to have a great time with their guests and enjoy meeting new people. Thats what makes this place so wonderfully unique. Its not just the impressive view over Toscany with a perfect pool and tuscany style appartements (and not to forget the endless access to the fantastic red wine produced by the hosts ;P). Its more then that - it's a magical place with a wonderful atmosphere which you have to experience!
    A magical place A magical place
    Raoul 27/10/2016 Germay
  • 5-points
    It's hard to describe Poggio alla Rocca with the usually used adjectives for a hotel because you don't feel like being in a hotel, you feel like you stay with friends. The hosts don't consider themselves as hoteliers, they just want to have a great time with their guests and enjoy meeting new people. Thats what makes this place so wonderfully unique. Its not just the impressive view over Toscany with a perfect pool and tuscany style appartements (and not to forget the endless access to the fantastic red wine produced by the hosts ;P). Its more then that - it's a magical place with a wonderful atmosphere which you have to experience!
    A magical place A magical place
    Raoul 27/10/2016 Germay
  • 5-points
    Appartamento delizioso in una location superlativa, immersa nel verde e circondata solo da natura. Posto ideale per evadere dallo stress della routine e rigenerarsi. Appartamento molto curato e fornito. I proprietari sono ultrasocevoli e disponibili. Non abbiamo avuto l'occasione di provare i loro prodotti, ma non mancheremo la prossima volta che torneremo!
    Fuga dalla realtà Fuga dalla realtà
    Elena, 28 aprile 2016
  • 5-points
    La nostra esperienza è stata magnifica, un posto fantastico dove l'emozione a stento si contiene. Francesco e Susanna oltre ad essere estremamente all'altezza, sono persone magnifiche e amano il loro regno, estremamente pulito e veramente degno di essere visitato. Continuate così. ...non è da tutti.....A presto
    Soggiorno indimenticabile Soggiorno indimenticabile
    Alberto, 18 maggio 2016
  • 5-points
    Un soggiorno a Poggio alla Rocca è rigenerante, il totale relax, il silenzio, la bellezza dei panorami, ti riconciliano con la vita. Dopo un anno di lavoro massacrante, anche solo due giorni passati in paradiso ti restituiscono la voglia di sorridere. La delizia di Poggio alla Rocca è che puoi decidere, stare in compagnia o in totale isolamento? La struttura è bellissima curata in ogni dettaglio, gli appartamenti pulitissimi e dotati di ogni confort, ti senti a casa. C'è solo una nota triste in tutto questo, il momento di partire. Lasciare Poggio alla Rocca e la bellezza di Montacuto ti spezza il cuore. Non vedi l'ora di tornarci. Grazie a Francesco e Susanna per aver avuto il coraggio di costruire questo posto meraviglioso.
    Parola chiave: Il SILENZIO!!. Parola chiave: Il SILENZIO!!.
    Salvatore, 30 maggio 2016
  • 5-points
    Sono stata a Poggio alla Rocca per sole due notti, purtroppo. Dico purtroppo perché la struttura è talmente invitante e curata da meritare soggiorni ben più lunghi. Gli appartamenti sono arredati con gran gusto e attenzione al dettaglio, tutto è nuovissimo ma in grado di restituire atmosfere da cascina vecchio stile. Un altro punto forte è di certo la SPETTACOLARE piscina a picco su uno dei panorami toscani più straordinari che si possano immaginare. Infine, la coppia di proprietari è di una gentilezza e di una disponibilità uniche!
    Un’oasi di bellezza nella Toscana più suggestiva Un’oasi di bellezza nella Toscana più suggestiva
    Magreee, 06 giugno 2016
  • 5-points
    Tutto eccellente! I proprietari due persone deliziose, GENEROSE sempre presenti e attente a soddisfare ogni piccola esigenza..Ci siamo sentiti coccolati..Il posto ben curato e attrezzato di tutto, panorami mozzafiato..l'ideale per rigenerarsi dallo stress di tutti i giorni, una quiete unica. Il posto non è distante da molte attrazioni turistiche come città d'arte, terme a 5 minuti di auto.. Difficile non stringere amicizia con i proprietari, torneremo sicuramente! Lo consiglieremo ovviamente.
    Una meraviglia.. Una meraviglia..
    Letiziasca, 09 giugno 2016
  • 5-points
    iamo stati 2 giorni al poggio alla rocca...accolti da Francesco e Susanna come se ci conoscessero da sempre. Subito ci hanno fatto sentire a casa. Il posto è fantastico, immerso nel verde maremmano, la piscina è esaltante e ha subito catturato l'attenzione dei miei figli. Il nostro appartamento è su misura x noi che siamo in 6...non manca nulla e i letti sono confortevoli. Siamo stati pochi giorni ma abbiamo liberato la mente....grazie al silenzio,rotto solo dai rumori della natura. Grazie Francesco e Susanna...speriamo di poter tornare a trovarvi.
    Week end relax Week end relax
    Marco, 09 giugno 2016
  • 5-points
    Sono stato con un gruppo di 17 persone a Poggio alla Rocca riservando tutta la villa formata da 5 appartamenti indipendenti con la proprietà che risiede in un appartamento separato ma all'interno della struttura e devo dire che mi sono trovato meglio delle volte in cui avevamo affittato un casale . Infatti ad ogni problema con il casale intero dovevamo chiamare un numero con intervento non sempre immediato e non avevamo tutti i consigli e coccole che si hanno con i proprietari sempre presenti giorno e notte. Per me una bella sorpresa!
    Vacanza in villa Vacanza in villa
    Missmuss17, 26 giugno 2016
  • 5-points
    Attirati dalle foto della struttura,specialmente la piscina, è stata ancor di più una scoperta piacevole .Incantevoli panorami, ordine pulizia, una puntigliosa attenzione a tutti i particolari,dalla struttura alle piante ai giardini.Tutto ciò unito alla gentilezza e disponibilità dei proprietari, Francesco e Susanna, sempre pronti a coccolarti! Hanno trasformato una fuga dalla città in un fantastico weekend. Sicuramente torneremo in questo angolo di paradiso.Da consigliare a tutti gli amanti della tranquillità e del buon vivere sia soli che in famiglia...noi qui siamo stati con tutta la nostra famiglia, le nostre due bimbe si sono divertite e hanno trovato comodo navigare con una rete wireless sempre a disposizione. Grazie ancora ai proprietari.
    Ritorno alla natura Ritorno alla natura
    Barbalulli, 27 agosto 2016
  • 5-points
    Wow è quello che direte entrando nella struttura, che è molto più bella di quello che si può immaginare, curata dentro e fuori in ogni particolare. Più belli della struttura sono i proprietari che riescono a soddisfare il cliente in tutto: consigliano i posti più vicini che meritano di essere visitati e offrono ogni tipo di servizio. Abbiamo trascorso quattro giorni memorabili, grazie! 5 stelle, ma anche 6, 7, 8... A presto!
    WOW!!! WOW!!!
    Andrea, 01 ottobre 2016
  • 5-points
    Appartamento (Ginestra) curato nei minimi dettagli, camera e bagno puliti e confortevoli. Il tutto contornato da un panorama mozzafiato immerso nella natura. I titolari Susanna e Francesco disponibili e professionali.
    Weekend da sogno Weekend da sogno
    Gull8, 09 ottobre 2016
  • 5-points
    De locatie is prachtig. De accommodatie was perfect ingericht en het zwembad was heerlijk. Wel een beetje afgelegen.
    Prachtige locatie, zeer vriendelijke eigenaars Prachtige locatie, zeer vriendelijke eigenaars
    Marijke2880 Bornem, Belgium Left on Aug 17, 2015 for a stay in Aug 2015
  • 5-points
    If there ever was a pool with a view, this is one. But that's just the icing on a perfect combination of comfort, quiet and hospitality. Susanna and Francesco are the perfect hosts: they are there when you need them, but otherwise let you enjoy the place for yourself, and there is a lot to enjoy if you are into a rural retreat. To be more precise, if the setting is rural, the amenities offered are very urban(e). Also a great place to explore the region from, with Siena at 30 km and the sea at 50, though the best part of the day will always be when you reach your home away from home. We had a wonderful, memorable time.
    See the heart of Tuscany See the heart of Tuscany
    Árpád 21/07/2015 UK
  • 5-points
    Firstly, to stay here a car is essential - do not book unless you have transport. Susanah & Francesco were wonderful hosts: they were always available to assist us but were discreet giving us complete privacy at other times. They added generous touches such as giving us bottles of their own production red wine - delicious! We stayed in the large 3 bedroomed apartment (Sole) which is less than one minute walk to the communal pool area - some may prefer to be in a closer apartment but we liked the feeling of independence just up the road. Our apartment was quite spacious accommodating me, my wife and three teenage daughters (2 shared a large double bed). The accommodation was 'traditional', spacious and clean. All windows had mosquito protection. The kitchen area is small but adequate as we only ate salads, cold meats and cheese at home. The pool and surrounding areas have spectacular views and are finished to a luxurious standard with very high quality furniture and shading along with good outside wi-fi. Tuscany is stunning and this location is great for visiting other towns (Sienna 35mins drive). Favourite places were Montepulciano, Pienza, Montalcino, Montereggione and Sienna, of course. All 5 of us would like to return to Poggio Alla Rocca, thank you Susannah & Francesco for your great hospitality.
    Would like to keep this Tuscan gem a secret! Would like to keep this Tuscan gem a secret!
    janeireland007 11/08/2015 UK
  • 5-points
    We stayed at the apartment (Sughera) in early may. When you arrive you are amazed by the view and are still amazed up until the point that you leave. The apartment had a lovely rustic feel, but had modern fitting, furniture etc. also had everything you need for cooking. The pool and common areas very spotless and with so many places within the beautiful gardens, you would never really notice the other guests if all were full. The hosts were very welcoming and a pleasure to chat too. The local town Pari is very picturesque, and only 30 minutes walk or 5 minutes drive. The best views in Tuscany and should be on your list.
    Amazing view and apartment Amazing view and apartment
    smythe100 01/06/2016 USA
  • 5-points
    My family and I stayed at Francesco and Susanna's amazing Poggio alla Rocca for 8 days this summer. We had high expectations after having read all the great reviews of the place, and we can only say that reality beat the expectations. Poggio alla Rocca is located on a hill top with an astonishing view over the Tuscan landscape. The place in itself is kept to high standards, indoors as well as outdoors, and the pool area, with it's infinity pool, beats everything of what we've experienced after 10 years at various agristurismos across Tuscany. What made the stay even more special was how Francesco and Susanna ensures that their guests enjoy their stay. Every morning they come ask you if you'd like a cappuccino or espresso and bring it to your terrasse or the pool along with home made cookies. In the afternoon they serve ice cream to their guests. They help you with recommendations on restaurants and places to visit. And not to forget, they offer free wine... They're simply the perfect hosts! We highly recommend Poggio alla Rocca to everyone who wants to experience the real Tuscany.
    Amazing place and hosts Amazing place and hosts
    Kjetil76 01/08/2016 Norway
  • 5-points
    My family and I stayed at Francesco and Susanna's amazing Poggio alla Rocca for 8 days this summer. We had high expectations after having read all the great reviews of the place, and we can only say that reality beat the expectations. Poggio alla Rocca is located on a hill top with an astonishing view over the Tuscan landscape. The place in itself is kept to high standards, indoors as well as outdoors, and the pool area, with it's infinity pool, beats everything of what we've experienced after 10 years at various agristurismos across Tuscany. What made the stay even more special was how Francesco and Susanna ensures that their guests enjoy their stay. Every morning they come ask you if you'd like a cappuccino or espresso and bring it to your terrasse or the pool along with home made cookies. In the afternoon they serve ice cream to their guests. They help you with recommendations on restaurants and places to visit. And not to forget, they offer free wine... They're simply the perfect hosts! We highly recommend Poggio alla Rocca to everyone who wants to experience the real Tuscany.
    Amazing place and hosts Amazing place and hosts
    Kjetil76 01/08/2016 Norway
  • 5-points
    Poggio alla Rocca è un luogo fantastico, immerso in una natura irreale e magnifica, con il silenzio che regna sovrano e colline verdi a perdita d'occhio. E' davvero uno spazio ideale per visitare l'area del senese e in estate anche la costa maremmana. I proprietari sono accoglienti e ultra disponibili, la struttura è superlativa e davvero immersa in un contesto straordinario.
    “Stupefacente” “Stupefacente”
    Federico, 16 Aprile 2016
  • 5-points
    Location favolosa, gestori gentilissimi e disponibilissimi. Servizio eccellente, struttura pulita e sempre in ordine con ottima vista panoramica sulle colline Toscane. Piscina con vista, molti spazi all'aperto per rilassarsi sia a bordo vasca che in zone ombreggiate. Situato nel cuore della toscana ad un'ora di viaggio dalle principale mete turistiche Poggio alla Rocca saprà conquistarvi con le sue bellezze.
    “Meravigliosa fuga nella tranquillità ” “Meravigliosa fuga nella tranquillità ”
    Nicholas, 27 agosto 2015
  • 5-points
    Strutture ben tenute e gestori squisiti: la pace e il silenzio regnano sovrani, lasciandoti immergere nella bellezza della vista sui colli toscani. Ci ritornerò sicuramente 🙂
    “Incantevole location” “Incantevole location”
    Conte, 28 agosto 2015
  • 5-points
    Immersi nel verde del Monte Acuto abbiamo trascorso il weekend-end di Pasqua all'insegnante della gentilezza ed accoglienza dei proprietari. Vino buonissimo e olio di qualità superiore. Consigliatissimo a famiglie e coppie che vogliono trascorrere un periodo in totale relax con splendidi panorami.
    “Accoglienza e Relax” “Accoglienza e Relax”
    Franco V Grigno, Italia - 08 aprile 2016